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About us

Who are we?




39, french 

Professional trainer in Positive Psychology & Coach

Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology

Diploma in Adult Training (FSEA)

ICF-certified professional coach

Sailing instructor 

Author of ""WOW" A program to develop the skill of wonder and help teenagers find meaning in nature."


Lepée, M. (2022). « WOW » : A Self-Help Program For Developing Awe Life Skill And Support Adolescents In Finding Meaning in Nature. Cortica, 1(1),196-218.

My vision

The sea has been the backdrop to major personal transformations.

A human adventure that gradually helped me to understand myself better and to bring back JOY and MEANING in my life.

My passion for sailing and for human development led me to study positive psychology.

My years of research in this field and my professional practice as a coach and sailing instructor have enabled me to highlight the primordial role of NATURE and AWE (wonder) in the Happiness equation.

Today, I combine the science of psychology with coaching to offer a playful, experiential journey that combines practice, personal reflection and sharing.

A holistic approach, where each journey nourishes your emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual dimensions. 

Key facts


  • + 600h of coachings (individual and group coaching, in english and french)

       >>> + 250 adults supported


  • + 100h of teaching in positive psychology (workshops and online courses)

  • + 60 hours of residential training

       >>> + 1000 people initiated/trained

Quels avantages

Ce que nous dit la science de l'émerveillement.


S'émerveiller contribue à:

  • Améliorer notre humeur et augmenter notre satisfaction de vie. (Rudd, Vohs et Aaker, 2012).

  • Améliorer la conscience de soi. (Shiota et al., 2007 ; Piff, Dietze, Feinberg, Stancato et Keltner, 2015 ; Bai et al., 2017). 

  • Développer notre humilité : Le petit effet de soi. (Bai et al., 2017 ; Stellar et al., 2018).

  • Développer notre esprit critique. (Griskevicius, Shiota et Neufeld, 2010).

  • Renforcer notre système immunitaire.  (Stellar et al., 2015).

  • Améliorer le comportement prosocial. (Piff et al., 2015).

  • Nous détacher du matérialisme. (Koh, Tong & Yuen, 2017).

  • Nous rapprocher des personnes qui nous sont chères et de l'humanité dans son ensemble. (Shiota, Keltner et Mossman 2007)

Recent studies on Blue Health highlight the power of the sea on our well-being!

This blue health can be used to prevent all the so-called diseases of civilization, such as psychological health (depression, anxiety, etc.), overweight, certain auto-immune diseases, type II diabetes, etc. It is also said to attenuate inflammatory processes and post-traumatic stress symptoms associated with sedentary lifestyles and permanent stress.


Among the benefits of direct contact with water:

  • Improved self-esteem.

  • An effect on the autonomic nervous system (calming effect on the body).

  •  Secretion of pleasure hormones (serotonin, dopamine).

  • All sensory stimuli reach the spinal cord before travelling to the dedicated area of the brain.

  • Feeling light: water carries 90% of our body weight.

  • Drainage and evacuation of toxins (lymphatic and blood circulation).

Blue Health

"Vivre et transmettre l'émerveillement"

voilà le sens de ma vie. Quel est le vôtre ?

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